In the ever-evolving digital landscape, WordPress has emerged as the leading content management system (CMS), powering an astonishing portion of the web. This platform’s widespread adoption speaks volumes about its versatility, user-friendliness, and robust features. In this blog, we’ll explore just how prevalent WordPress is and delve into the myriad of benefits it offers.


The Ubiquity of WordPress

WordPress’s dominance in the CMS market is undeniable. It’s estimated that WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, a testament to its accessibility and widespread appeal. From small personal blogs to large-scale corporate websites, WordPress’s flexibility makes it the go-to choice for a diverse range of web projects.

What’s even more impressive is the platform’s market share within the CMS space itself. Among websites that use a content management system, WordPress’s market share skyrockets, demonstrating its overwhelming preference among web developers and content creators.


Why is WordPress So Popular?

The reasons behind WordPress’s popularity are manifold. Here are some key benefits that make it the preferred choice for millions of websites:


  1. Ease of Use

WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical expertise. Users can add content, create new pages, and customise their site’s appearance with ease, all without needing to know how to code.


  1. Flexibility and Scalability

With WordPress, the sky’s the limit. Whether you’re running a small blog, a large e-commerce site, or anything in between, WordPress can handle it. Its extensive range of themes and plugins allows users to tailor their sites to their specific needs and scale up as their business grows.


  1. Robust Community Support

Being an open-source platform, WordPress boasts a vibrant community of developers, designers, and enthusiasts who continuously contribute to its improvement. This community ensures a steady stream of updates, security patches, and enhancements, as well as a plethora of resources for troubleshooting and learning.


  1. SEO Friendliness

WordPress sites tend to rank well on search engines. The platform is designed with SEO in mind, offering features like clean permalink structures, easy content creation, and optimisation plugins like Yoast SEO, which guide users in enhancing their content’s visibility.


  1. Security and Reliability

With the internet’s ever-present security threats, WordPress prioritises keeping sites secure. Regular updates and a range of security plugins help protect against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring that WordPress sites remain safe and trustworthy.


  1. Customisation and Control

Unlike proprietary website builders, WordPress gives users complete control over their sites. From the look and feel to the underlying functionality, everything can be customised. Users aren’t locked into a specific hosting provider or service, providing freedom and flexibility that’s hard to beat.



WordPress’s status as the leading CMS is no fluke. Its extensive user base and the sheer volume of WordPress-based websites underscore its effectiveness as a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly platform. Whether you’re a budding blogger, a seasoned web developer, or a business owner looking to establish your online presence, WordPress offers a solid foundation that can adapt and grow with your digital aspirations.

If you’re considering building a new website or upgrading your existing one, the benefits of WordPress make it a compelling choice. Embrace the power of WordPress and join the millions of successful websites that trust the platform for their online presence.

If you’re unhappy with your current website and would like a new, effective WordPress website, please get in touch.